Flora Robotica

a consortium of six European researchpartners has created the FloraRobotica project; which “objective is to develop and investigate closely linked symbiotic relationships between robots and natural plants and to explore the potentials of a plant-robot society able to produce architectural artifacts and living spaces.”

Braid-Columns‘braid columns’

the IoT & the Built Environment, Art & Imagination

The program for the 6th. IoT-MeetUp at V2 Rotterdam is now online; together with an increasing number of meetings worldwide once again we pay tribute to an important development that needs to be discussed together with accompanying human – as well as artistic – values. Come, listen and above all discuss with a fine group of speakers, moderated by Leon van Geest.

IoT, Built Environment and its Art & Imagination

Preparing for the 6th. annual IoT & Built Environment MeetUp, this year on Art & Imagination. Once again on April 9 (WW-IoT.day) in V2, the Institute for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam; speakers confirmed so far: Yvonne Droge Wendel (Rietveld Acad.), Ben van Lier (Centric), Usman Haque (Thingful) , Florian Hellwig (Urland) , Frans Vogelaar & Elizabeth Sikiaridi (hybridspacelab Berlin)  Delfina Fantini van Ditmar (RCA) . Introduction Rob van Kranenburg, moderator Leon van Geest.

More info on program and other speakers soon to come….

Future Emerging Technologies

FET31012017January 31st.; the FET-Observe workshop in Brussels, organized and guided by Philine Warnke and Elna Schirrmeister from Fraunhofer Institute. Some 20 researchers from e.g. computing, art, media, design discussed a series of possible/wishful future technologies within a wide range of topics, including ‘Future Living Spaces’, with the aim to frame topics that  need further focused research and funding. Wonderful to experience a critical but constructive discussion from a variety of disciplines as well as a somewhat out-of-line thinking against many current developments.

human issue

IMG_0402Yesterday, January 17th., the Humans Issue, the 5th. late afternoon session of Club Imagine in the Theatre Rotterdam. With a focus on humanity and a close link to the arts and imagination  we address the relation between art and science, public and collective. Part of the art-images will be presented on the media-wall soon. Next session on March 14th. about utopian futures.

a home in a networked world

When the peaks of our sky

Come together

My house will have a roof.’

These three lines, part of the short poem ‘De notre temps[1]’, by the French poet Paul Eluard, can be interpreted as the ultimate metaphor on what constitutes the framework of experiencing a home. Being poetry, it surpasses the traditional ontology of what a house and/or home represents, i.e. protection, privacy, a roof over one’s head. It also, however, tributes to the more abstract issues involved that become all the more relevant when our physical world transforms into a hybrid world, a mix of the real and the virtual, of the analogue and the digital. The emphasis in this tends to focus on the technological issues involved; while the abstract is threatened, causing a breach in what constitutes process and result of building houses. After all; the virtual resides within the real; there is no virtual only.
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being human; or Descartes vs. Arendt.

EC’s Nicole Dewandre presented a fine lecture on human values at the IoT & Built Environment conference on April 9th. 2013 in Rotterdam; on July 2016 she gave a TEDX-ULB-lecture concerning the changing definitions of humanity, ’talking’ to Descartes and referring  to Hannah Arendt’s view of the relational self. A changing world requires a renewed thinking on what it means to be human in a hyperconnected era.

Urland’s performs part three of their Internet of Things trilogy

On Friday, November 4th. Performance Group Urland presented the third part of the IoT-trilogy in the Theatre Rotterdam. Afterwards we enjoyed a fine and most interesting discussion with the audience that proved to be very anxious and involved in theme and background. In particular some questions concerning the role of the arts within this topic raised a discussion which really should be continued since Urland’s performance is – alas – one of the very few devoted to other, more important ethical issues than the technology only.

left to right: Jimi Zoet (Urland), Florian Hellwig (Urland, director), Martin Pot (photo: Marijke Stegen)
