het Nieuwe Wonen

Illustratieve en informatieve online AIR-sessie rond ‘het Nieuwe Wonen’ , met presentaties/lezingen van eerst Robert Winkel (MEI Arch.) aangevuld door Atto Harstra, Piet Vollaard, Annuska Pronkhorst en Wenda Doff. Nadruk; circulair, duurzaam, gezond en flexibel bouwen; voorbeeld m.n. het komende SAWA-woongebouw in Rotterdam dat vrijwel volledig met hout wordt gebouwd.


book to come

After 2 years of research and writing my book is (almost) ready for publication and its envisioned broad discussion. Yet to come is a language check as well as some editorial work; so far many, many thanks to all who contributed, participated, reviewed and reacted; first of all to Antony Gormley for the use of one of his works on the cover. Most probably its contents will be discussed at the coming ‘Stadsmakers Congres’ on November 6th. 2020 on a variety of locations in Rotterdam, organized by AIR.

For more information, see the publishers website


One- and a half year after its initial start in early 2019 the first draft of my book on architecture, technology and dwelling is now under peer-review by two carefully chosen professionals; after various chapters have been read by others with a specific discipline it is now time for a full reading. So far: many thanks to the first readers for their comments, many thanks to those who agreed to the use of images. I hope to receive the results of the  final reading back soon; after incorporating the comments the full text is edited by the publisher. More info soon…………

Gormley, space and architecture.

Illustrative interview made last November 2019 by Hans Ulrich Obrist with artist Antony Gormley, discussing the cloud, Joseph Beuys, architecture, nature and his child; so poetically present within the courtyard of the Museum. Questioning also; ‘how to envision or systems of connectivity to re-imagine our nature in nature’.

Antony Gormley in conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist from Antony Gormley Studio on Vimeo.

Friedman; people’s architecture.

on February 21st. Yona Friedman – urban designer, architect, visionary, artist – passed away at the age of 96. His ‘People’s Architecture’ was based on three preconditions: these use of inexpensive elements, easy to assemble at a do-it-yourself level, easy to disassemble and reassemble. Compare this to today’s inflexible, unsustainable housing; time to rethink our current ways and look once again at Friedman’s ever actual work.

image: www.yonafriedman.nl 


In 2007 Anthony Vidler provided a lecture at the AA that is more than ever actual and important: ‘The Necessity of Utopia’ ; ‘utopia as a device for invention or radical intervention’.



the return of the real…………

In a very thoughtful article in DEZEEN architect/critic Aaron Betsky, reflecting on the upcoming developments in architecture and the role of the architect within, states that ‘our agenda must be to reuse, rethink, reimagine and relive our present.’ and that ‘architects will face the increasing fluidity of our society’. Although the latter – i.e. fluidity – is not a new phenomenon he is right in emphasizing  that our current hybrid society questions the often traditional attitude of many architects. Interesting is his prediction that ‘we will increasingly build in and with the earth’ where it could be (think of sea-level rise) be more logical to built above it…………what is real?

the everyday

Recovered in an antiquarian bookshop: the inaugural talk ‘the Everyday’ by Prof.Ir. John Habraken back in 1967 (!) on his acceptance of the position of Professor of Architectural Design at the Technical University of Eindhoven. Amazing to read once again – in 19 pages – his envisioning of a paradigm-shift of facilitating/designing housing by means of creating a split between structure and infill. One remark for now: “The simple truth is that the everyday cannot be created for a society but only out of that society”(trans. mp, ital.orig.) I suggest we reread this publicly, widely and act likewise, after 50 years…