+++ April 29th.2023, 16.00 hrs. a public discussion at the Kunsthal Rotterdam between architecture theorist Lara Schrijver and Haus-Rucker-Co founder Zamp Kelp on the relevance and value of their fascinating work.
+++ nice interesting article by Beatrice van Houtte Alonso in the Jan./Feb. edition 209 of the ‘Witte Raaf ‘ on sustainability and architecture: is the most sustainable house the one that is already built?
+++ very fascinating and fine article by Kiel Moe on E-Flux; ‘Metabolic Rift, Gift & Shift’, elaborating on the role and above all position of architecture with its physical surroundings.
+++ helaas een nog altijd actuele maar terechte vragenlijst , nu vanuit het Genootschap Wooncooperatie. Hoog tijd voor concrete voorstellen en praktijkoplossingen.
+++ interesting article on ethics and the role of digital technology in architectural practice.
+++ boeiend programma Radio Operator; derde uitzendingen van Architecture City over ‘de Plooibare Woning’; m.n. door het interview met John Habraken .